import catpart at runtime (not working on package)

Hello, I’m trying to import a catpart (catia file) at runtime using Datasmith Interchange scripting “load file” node. What’s really strange is that I can achieve the procedure in editor but, if I package the project (debug or development), it doesn’t works.
The code is really simple.

it works in editor

but not when packaged

Am I missing something?

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Same thing for me with a STEP file.

@Michael_page @Ale_cadland
can you check your log file of your package game, in saved/logs of the package game folder to see what might be the issue.

Here some rows that might be of interest in the saved/logs/project.log:

LogWindows: Failed to load 'aqProf.dll' (GetLastError=126)
LogWindows: File 'aqProf.dll' does not exist
LogProfilingDebugging: Loading WinPixEventRuntime.dll for PIX profiling (from ../../../Engine/Binaries/ThirdParty/Windows/WinPixEventRuntime/x64).
LogWindows: Failed to load 'VtuneApi.dll' (GetLastError=126)
LogWindows: File 'VtuneApi.dll' does not exist
LogWindows: Failed to load 'VtuneApi32e.dll' (GetLastError=126)
LogWindows: File 'VtuneApi32e.dll' does not exist
LogWindows: Custom abort handler registered for crash reporting.
LogCore: Display: UnrealTraceServer: Unable to launch the trace store with '"../../../Engine//Binaries/Win64/UnrealTraceServer.exe" fork' (00000002)
LogInit: Session CrashGUID >====================================================
         Session CrashGUID >   UECC-Windows-9824C65D4F90378BB

         Session CrashGUID >====================================================
LogStreaming: Warning: Failed to read file 'C:/Users/AlessandroGabrielli/Desktop/leonardo/catia_runtime_eseguibile/Windows/Cloud/IoStoreOnDemand.ini' error.
LogWindows: Failed to load 'WinPixGpuCapturer.dll' (GetLastError=126)
LogWindows: File 'WinPixGpuCapturer.dll' does not exist
PixWinPlugin: PIX capture plugin failed to initialize! Check that the process is launched from PIX.
[2023.09.29-14.16.00:856][  0]LogUObjectGlobals: Warning: Failed to find object 'Object /DatasmithContent/Datasmith/DatasmithAreaLight.DatasmithAreaLight'
[2023.09.29-14.16.01:384][  0]LogCADInterfaces: Warning: Failed to load CADInterfaces module. Plug-in may not be functional.

here is the file
catia_runtime.log (144.8 KB)

How do you start the import process? is it on begin play or on a button push?

Do you have “Datasmith Interchange” and “Datasmith Runtime” plugins on.

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I tryied both ways.


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Hi @Ale_cadland,

I have the same issue in UE 5.3.1. I tried with a blueprint similar to yours and also with others, like the scene import process, but each time it works in the editor but not in the packaged game.

Did you manage to resolve this problem?

@Michael_page change the asset path of the “make datasmith interchange import content”

I could not manage to import either on the Version of the engine from the Launcher.
Something might be missing.

What warnings do you get in the log file? That it cannot find the CAD libraries module?

Yes, it’s the following warning :

LogCADInterfaces: Warning: Failed to load CADInterfaces module. Plug-in may not be functional.

@UE_FlavienP , has there been any developments regarding this issue?

Not at the moment, the dev is away will see with him when he comes back.


@UE_FlavienP hey, just bumping this to see if there’s any news?

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I tried on 5.3.2 and I have the same problem.

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I just have the same problem on 5.4, using imported datasmith from archicad for data visualization. In editor gameplay works, just packaged nothing works. I’m struggling with it.


On my side, the “Connect” node in Load File is not available at all in 5.4.1. So, I remove this function from my code. However, if you use the Datasmith Import Actor, you will be able to use .udatasmith file directly.

But if you found a way to import other CAD format, I’ll be interested :slight_smile: