Hello, i’m training to create a simple sequence camera movement, just flying around the object, i did not find the way to make perfect circle for camera path within unreal, so i am deciding to export camera from 3ds max like in this video , in 3dsmax i create a path for my camera from spline, and assign a path deform modifier to my camera, and, after that, i animate a percent on 0 and 100 frame, so my camera goes a perfect circle around a target. when i am finished, i export my camera like it was shown in video above, unreal import the camera but without a key frames. So camera not moving at all, can you please suggest something, may be i mast to bake my camera animation before export?
Check the parameter “Bake Animation” in the dialog export in FBX. Perhaps you forgot to enable it.
Thanks for answer, yes i seen that, but it didn’t work, i found answer in this video 0UoXn-rxSCc, instead modifier autor use path constraint, and it works.
Hello, i have the same probleme with my camera, the camera spawn random on my UE4 scene…
When i export with 3dsmax, i put:
Animation ON
Bake Animation ON
Camera ON
Axis Conversion : Z-UP
Please, help me
answer in this video 0UoXn-rxSCc, instead modifier autor use path constraint, and it works.