Import Assets at Run Time

I’ve been toying around with the concept of Run Time Asset Importing to allow Players to add their own Models, Textures, Animations and Etc to games. First I want to see how far is possible to go with Blueprints. I’m using the node “Import Assets with Dialogue” to import the Assets and then using “Get Assets by Path” to get any assets I want to have access to, including the imported ones.

The concept is there, but there are some things I would like to improve:

First: For performance concerns I tried to use “Get Assets by Class” so I don’t have to manually filter them using Blueprints, but I never managed to go beyond empty Arrays as an out. I tried using the same path as the one I use on “Get Assets by Path” (/Game/TD/Assets) and for Class Name I tried “StaticMesh”, “Texture2D” and etc, is this not correct?

Second: Every time I re-open the Editor, the Assets are gone. I want them to be permanent additions to the game files of the Player that imported them, to be used whenever they want. Without the Assets being saved, this System doesn’t make much sense.

Third: I would also like to allow the Player to delete any imported Asset, but I see no Node that have this function.

How can I achieve this improvements?