Hello everyone. I am thinking about possibly using Unreal Engine in my game development classes this year. One of my concerns is logging in. Would students have to log into Unreal (or Epic) to use the program? Or is there a way around that? I know that I installed Epic on some computers for a gaming club last year, but our network wouldn’t allow students to log into Epic on their own district login; I had to log in with my credentials before students could then log into Epic.
Hi @solplyr, I’m also an Educator. I just released a tutorial that might answer some of this in in regards to logging in. Without more info I wont be able to help too much, feel free to contact me and I can try help out as much as possible as I have encountered many issues working in a school.
First thing is letting it go through the school proxy which would allow students to log in. Alternatively there is an offline installer for education facilities if my method doesn’t work. Swing me a message if you need to.