Implementing Coldstorage for custom Dynamic mesh blueprints?

Hi All, so i recently followed along with a tutorial by buildgameswithjon for setting up Lyra Style Geometry Script Procedural Mesh Tools After following along and completing the blueprint, I decided to extend it further by adding the ability to add multiple cutouts to the mesh and even do different operations aswell (as opposed to just subtraction). This turned out pretty good and I have made some cool stuff with it, but one more thing I’d like to add to this is a working cold storage implementation (The ability to switch from dynamic mesh to static mesh back and fourth) I know you can do this with the lyra tools so I have attempted to implement it in my own blueprint by changing the parent class to use the baked generated mesh actor like the other lyra tools do and while this gives me the same context menu to switch back and fourth, unfortunately whenever I attempt to switch back to the dynamic mesh after first switching to the dynamic mesh, it does not work, as in it just stays permanently as a static mesh and the only way to go back to dynamic mesh is to undo (ctrl+z) the original switch to static mesh as clicking back to generated mesh has no effect. I have had a look online for implementing cold storage for custom blueprints but so far no dice. Just wondering if anyone around here has attempted/had experience with this and could help me out here? Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks :slight_smile:

Here is my implementation of the blueprint, including the original generated mesh parent and the custom struct that I created to store the attributes for each cutout.

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