Hello, I am using Unreal Engine 4.22.3. I needed to implement a BLE plugin/ support to my project so that it can communicate with RN4020. I couldn’t find any plugin for windows over that marketplace so decided to create my own plugin by making a static library for CppWinRT. I referenced this link for the same. However it specifically mentions uncheck precompiledheader files which I would be heavily using. The cppwinrt package is saved as .exe file. My question is when I tried to attach the lib and header files as stated in link 2. It didnt work since the header files for winrt files were missing which are prebuilt and saved as .exe, So how can I add winrt support to unreal engine 4.22.3. It is supported in 4.25 and 4.26. If that isn’t the case is there some other way to add BLE support to windows 10? Thank You