Implementing Ads in Android on UE 5.4.4

Hey guys! I am building game on android in 5.4.4 and cannot in any way make things work.
I’ve even bought Firebase plugin and it’ still not working.
I’ve followed Firebase instruction and Unreal engine instruction and Google play console Instructions and nothing. I don’t even have any ideas what am I doing wrong.
I am bad with android studio so I didn’t do last step in google play console instructions where you need Initialize the Google Mobile Ads SDK.
I have different blueprints for both plugin and original unreal engine node.

Really have no clue. I test my ads in development and shipping modes and it just doesn’t show anything.

When I test in in editor it’s doing okay I print string on every step

Maybe someone tried and succeded?

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So I tried different SDK and NDK versions, still nothing.
Tried clean projects and even on clean projects ads doesn’t work. Maybe it’s unreal 5.4.4 issue?
Since we have to go on 5.4.4 for our apps to work (after min sdk 34) I wonder what can be done.