Implementing Admob on Unreal Engine 5.1.1

Hello Friends!

Iam working on my First Game for Android, I finished it but I have some bugs or problems with implementing Admob, It dosen’t work any more!
Iam using Unreal Engine Blueprints not using any Plugin, and my Unreal Version is 5.1.1

First I followed Unreal Engine Documentation:

Enable Google Play Support
Add Games App ID and Google Play License Key From Google Play Console
Add Ad Mob -Test- Unit IDs from Google Developers Website
and add to the Extra Permissions
also add this to my Target.cs file:

    if (Target.Platform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Android)

But no thing work Neither the show ad banner nor load Interstitial AD and show worked, and the Game crashed when the time for Ad to be shown on my Android device
This is some crash log from logcat:

  2696 11158 E crkg    : Phenotype API error. Event: # fers@aa4af5e9, EventCode: GET_EXP [CONTEXT service_id=51 ]
  2696 11158 E crkg    : crin: 29505: No config packages for log source, or config package not registered
  2696 11158 E crkg    : 	at crlc.c( (190400-608507424):79)
  2696 11158 E crkg    : 	at crla.h( (190400-608507424):3)
  2696 11158 E crkg    : 	at crkg.g( (190400-608507424):18)
  2696 11158 E crkg    : 	at crkg.f( (190400-608507424):11)
  2696 11158 E crkg    : 	at bjyd.fO( (190400-608507424):1)
  2696 11158 E crkg    : 	at (190400-608507424):100)
  2696 11158 E crkg    : 	at (190400-608507424):21)
  2696 11158 E crkg    : 	at alab.c( (190400-608507424):50)
  2696 11158 E crkg    : 	at (190400-608507424):76)
  2696 11158 E crkg    : 	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
  2696 11158 E crkg    : 	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
  2696 11158 E crkg    : 	at (190400-608507424):8)
  2696 11158 E crkg    : 	at
  2696 11158 W AsyncOperation: operation=GetExperimentTokensOperationCall, opStatusCode=29505 [CONTEXT service_id=51 ]
  2696 11158 W AsyncOperation: OperationException[Status{statusCode=No config packages for log source, or config package not registered, resolution=null}]
  2696 11158 W AsyncOperation: 	at crkg.g( (190400-608507424):48)
  2696 11158 W AsyncOperation: 	at crkg.f( (190400-608507424):11)
  2696 11158 W AsyncOperation: 	at bjyd.fO( (190400-608507424):1)
  2696 11158 W AsyncOperation: 	at (190400-608507424):100)
  2696 11158 W AsyncOperation: 	at (190400-608507424):21)
  2696 11158 W AsyncOperation: 	at alab.c( (190400-608507424):50)
  2696 11158 W AsyncOperation: 	at (190400-608507424):76)
  2696 11158 W AsyncOperation: 	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
  2696 11158 W AsyncOperation: 	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
  2696 11158 W AsyncOperation: 	at (190400-608507424):8)
  2696 11158 W AsyncOperation: 	at

I noticed that when package it some google classes missing, I tried to solve this but I couldn’t, How Can I solve it?:

And when I Upload My Game To The Testers for Closed Test on Google Play Console there is an Error appeared on Experimental report, How Can I Solve it?


Also I Have many other Questions:


  1. Must I implement Firebase or any API on Google Cloud For Admob?

  2. where can I find module directory to edit Build.gradle with this code and Must I edit it to work with Admob ?

dependencies {
  implementation ''
  1. Where should I add AdMob app ID on My Project like this?
<!-- Sample AdMob app ID: ca-app-pub-3940256099942544~3347511713 -->    <meta-data        android:name=""        android:value="ca-app-pub-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx~yyyyyyyyyy"/>  
  1. Should I add any other code in my file?

Sorry for this long post and so grateful for your help!

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Hello! I asked a lot of the same questions youre asking on another thread and have not recieved an answer either. Did you ever get this to work?

First off, check out this page. It tells you where to add your app ID.

Google AdMob Blueprint Plugin Setup - Codeible

Also, make sure that you are initializing the google ads using the “initialize google mobile ads” node when you first start up your app. If you do not see it, make sure the google admob plugin is enabled and restart.

Hope this helps.