Implementing a physics winch, unable to move shackle

I’m trying to make a tower crane, using a physics constraint on the winch to make it swing.
I would like to control the length of the wire, lifting or lowering the cargo.

The problem:
While the shackle is simulating physics it cannot be moved.
Disabling and then re-enabling simulate physics doesn’t seem to work.

This is the setup, on the edge of the crane arm:

Any help will be appreciated.

Found the solution, thankfully in time for deadlines.
Never would’ve guessed, but using the physics grab component gets the desired behavior.

Steps to reproduce:
• Set simulate physics to enabled on the winch’s latch. Optional: increase linear and angular damping for nicer movement (mine is set to 0.2 on both).
• Use the physics grab component to grab the winch’s latch on begin play, with grab location set to the start/pivot of the winch.
• On tick, set the physics grab component target location to the point in world space where latch would be if it was standing still (winch start/pivot plus the winch extension, which you should store as a float variable).

The winch extension variable can then be changed on some input, and that should achieve the desired result.

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