Would it be possible to track the direction where my eyes are looking, and send a line trace, in order to know the distance at which the various objects are around us, and basically focus in that location?
All this using a cinematic camera as my pawns camera, having that distance determined by the line trace, define the focus of the camera?
Anyone has been able to achieve something like this on Unreal Engine 5?
I have been able to implement the eyetracker component on my VRPawn and I was also able to successfully check that it is working.
What I can’t seem to find anywhere, is Information on how to implement it… Like retrieve the eye tracking data and implement it on my needs for the project.
I was able to get Eye tracking working with the Quest Pro on PCVR by enabling dev options on the headset and desktop app and turning on eye tracking in desktop.
Hi, could you tell us which UE version you used? I have a UE 4.26 project which needs eye-tracking gaze data and I cannot connect my Quest Pro in blueprint. If you were using UE4, did you use Request Android Permission node?