Images are not showing up on my widgets bar..

I’m not sure if this is the correct area but the issue i am having is my icon not showing up on my widget bar. i was previously instructed to Press F9 on the switch node to set up a break point, when it triggers, hover on the pins from the event node to check if the integer or the texture is valid. All three of my textures were accurate for the items.

But when I check the integer I am not sure what I am looking for to know if that is valid. Can anyone help me out? Or give me more efficient way to set this up?

This is my integer screenshot. should It say 3 or the number for the slot index. and how would I fix it.

Hey @ArtemiseMoon! Welcome to the forums!

So if it’s index 3 and you’re pulling from an array, that would be the 4th entry in the array, as arrays begin with 0.
There is no “3” switch for the switch on int, so it’s going to stop execution there as there is no “3” output. If you need another output use the “Add pin” option on the switch.

That’s what I was able to guess from this sole screenshot and your description… Hope that helps! And if it didn’t, or helps a bit but doesn’t quite get the fix you need, let us know with some more info and we’ll try to narrow it down!