Image overlap setting

What does the alignment setting “image overlap” do?
I am asking because I do have some areas with not ideal overlap in an otherwise well covered model (taking new images is no option at the minute).
What would happen if I set this to low? Would it have any disadvantages for the rest?
Maybe more calculating time? And if that, how much?

Hi Götz

low-> it try use whole img area = when have small overlap
medium-> default settings
high-> it will use “central” part ( best optical quality) of img = high overlap

for the speed “degradation” is minimal ( few % ) so can use it freely

But if set LOW try set in alignment higher numbers for detected points and preselector as get larger area used…

Hi Wishgranter,

cheers, that helps! :slight_smile:

Wishgranter, when you said “set in alignment higher numbers for detected points … as get larger area used” does that mean Max features per mpx, Max features per image, or Background feature detection?

In Help>Alignment settings it says “Bigger overlap improves speed …” - I can see that - because only using the centre of each photo

“… while a smaller overlap may cause disconnected components if there are not enough photographs” - Is this the wrong way round? I’d have thought that Low overlap, using the whole photo area, would have best chance of connecting ‘not enough photos’? Would setting High overlap really cause fewer disconnected components? If so, what’s the use of the Low overlap setting?