Image covering gameplay but only in the mobile build, please help me fix this

I was able to package a desktop version that works perfectly, but the mobile version has this image covering the screen. I assume it is something from the UE5 start content, but I’ve deleted pretty much all of it from the project already yet it still persists. If anyone has a clue as to how to fix this please let me know because I’ve been trying my hardest to research this issue but I haven’t been able to find anything. I did find out how to remove the joysticks but again, still have this problem.

In the image you can see my pause menu widgets appearing overtop of it but it covers the actual game content.

Thank you for time, it is greatly appreciated!

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I’m pretty sure that’s the default post process material.

It probably means you have a post process in the level, but the material it expects to use is missing?

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Yeah thats it ty. I had a post processing for cel shading, but android doesn’t seem to support that and it worked once I removed that. Hopefully this can save some other people the troubleshooting should they encounter this.

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