image array from widget to BP?

okay I am missing a key obvious thing here… I want an image array to change the character talking as the dialogue does. the dialogue is a working array but the images won’t plugin… please help…


UPDATE: still not working but I am using a texture array node, so it works but now I need to tell the texture array node to go into the image into the widget blueprint…

Update! this is the current blueprint. I have the image on it’s own blueprint popping up. but now I need to change it on interact, (it’s a dialogue system and I need to show that the speaker changed. so and array would work very well. please help

Hey @riaaa!

So in your first image I am seeing that there are no images in your index, you are trying to set the index using itself, and trying to get index -1? In the second image I don’t see where you are setting the image at all.

In the second image are you having issues communicating with your other blueprint that set’s the visible image?

Any additional specifics you provide will go a long way in solving your problem.

Hey @riaaa!

Checking in, where you able to find the solution to your problem?

no, but I found a workaround, I added audio to differentiate the dialogue instead of a character image