I'm wanting to quickly change out a widget's button images when hovered @ runtime. - Character Select Screen

This is for a character select screen. What I am trying to do is have buttons quickly oscillate between several images when hovered. This will give the illusion of a glowing cursor around each character’s selection box. One image with a cursor white, one with red, one with yellow etc etc…

A one time hovered image can’t do this from the details panel. So I will have to do it in the grid with on hovered and unhovered events.

I do not know what nodes to use here. Does anyone know? Thanks

Oscilation? Glowing (mouse?) cursor? Selection box? Not sure if I’m getting it. In case no one else does as well, perhaps you could elaborate / rephrase it? Or simplify it?

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For sure, well lets say you have one picture of a character, now you also have duplicates with a colored border around the pictures. To create the illusion of a glowing border, you quickly oscillate the pictures. Old games use to do this stuff all the time to create glowing projectiles and things. I was just wondering what nodes I need to attempt this for a hovered button inside of a widget. I have the event on hovered and un hovered on the graph. There is where I need to do this.

Here is an example of four pics that could be quickly changed out to achieve this effect.

This is on hovered. Un hovered it will go back to the default one.

• use a timer and switch borders / images
• or use widget animations and fire events
• or use regular delays since it’s only 4 images
• or use a loop with delay
• or use a dynamic material instance
• or use a flipbook

If these are just colours, it should be even more straighforward.

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I mean I get what you are saying about the set timers and delays, I just don’t know what node to call here.

I need the event graph node version of this right here.

This works. “Set brush resource to texture”.

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