I’m just trying to do the equivilant of opening an existing word file and clicking “save as”; i.e. fork my project, i.e. use an island I made as a template. I can’t figure it out. Thanks!
It’s my understanding that we can’t do that yet, not sure why.
Hi all,
I just made a copy of a UEFN project and was able to open it with the ‘Browse’ functionality.
(Browse to the .uefnproject file)
You’ll then have 2 projects with the same name listed in the launcher, so if you do this consider setting a custom thumbnail.
I’m unsure if this will interfere with revision control or publishing though.
You could also create a new project and right-click on your map file in the editor and ‘Migrate’ it to the new project. (All dependencies should be detected and migrated with the map)
If you want to copy a project, you can do this in windows explorer then open the .uefnprojct file and remove the bindings.
Make it look like:
You can also rename the project in there too.
When you open the project in UEFN it’ll rebind that new copy to a fresh project in the back end.
Is there a near future where we can do a “duplicate project” or “save as” from UEFN? I believe the limitation exists currently due to the revision control? I can’t recall the exact reason why this isn’t implemented yet. It would be awesome to be able to create our own templates.
There are a number of reasons, but they pretty technical.
For example, when duplicating we want the internal plugin to be renamed to keep it things more consistent. This however requires that we resave all the assets to fix internal references, this is pretty slow meaning were not happy with the Experience of that.
You can however make your own templates.
If you make a template then place it in \Documents\Fortnite Projects\VKTemplates
It should show up in a new category for use as a template. This is not a well documented feature, in part because it needs work still (need to change “VK” to “UEFN” as an example)
Worth a try though if you really want to see it in the UI.
This does not mean that all Changes from the Project we migrated from will be in our new Project right?
So for example if i place a Barell i don’t have it aswell automaticly in the new Project right?
If we do it like you sayed we get no more Unreal Revision Control:
Verbindungsfehler: The project directory contains Unreal Revision Control data for a different project.
How can we work around that?
After you copied the project to a new directory and have removed the bindings from the .uefnproject
file you should also clear the Unreal Revision Control data by deleting the .urc
folder in the new directory (don’t delete it for your old existing project copy).
Can Ii ask if anything has changed with the above method of creating our own Template as this conversation is now currently 16 months old, we are wanting to create a template that will possibly house a pre-game lobby & mechanics so we can then build or migrate into the template.
So thought it worth asking if the process is any different now or do we follow the steps in the thread still to create a template?
Thank’s for any further info in advance
we are looking into doing this to make it easier for a starter project for our island that has our spawn building ect in. Is this still achievable because the copying levels is not practical at all.
Thankyou in advance
Sorry to tag you sir but I’ve seen you around on here a lot and you sure know your stuff!!!
Is this possible to add a island to the template folder still ?
I found the template folder but i think it has no relevance to the actual templates as only 2 show in the folder which are Simple and Blank yet no others. Also when you delete Blank for instance it still shows in the Templates.
I would like 1 Island that is the generic spawn as a template in here…
hi @AtAshTag ,
The main thing you face is the new Use Legacy Detail Mode.
UEFN Use Legacy mode after 30.00
This seems complicated but this appears for any Island 30.00 or before has these scattered around Island that were in 29.* “We hit a Road Block” error in Fortnite.
Many developers dont want to start again as they copy the template from a previous version.
My advice is start from a new version and import all your assets.
Look at 32.00 Verse has been upgraded from Version 1 to Version 2 and thats in the template
Looks like FN Creative 1.0 has been made legacy.
Good evening sir
The template is nearly complete
Its only been 2 weeks in the making so have the new verse update and was created just before the last big update so i don’t think they should be any issues using this map as a template ?
The bit I’m stuck with is instead of replicating the map every time and removing bindings changing name ect how do i add to the Template islands ?
My goal is to simply click on the Template island which will be this one then it creates a map using that so i can easily not have to replicate either maps or the spawn point and basic device setup
Just a further thing:
I have not changed this so this is the default
Hello again sir
I did find this before and believe i know how to change thumbnail but the issue is i dnt know what to be adding to get the full map as a island template.
Do you have any idea ?
The strange this is Jimbo that if you delete the Blank.umap it still shows as a template and something else all the other templates do not show ???
Re adding after an update isnt the biggest of tasks if i can get it working in the first place
UPDATE - @AtAshTag
see post below
so what i want to achieve is no longer possible
Would just replicating the map be the way then
I feel its not meeting with the times if we cannot have a simple copy island or even setup a template
hi @AtAshTag
The above post works by removing the binding and placing it in the correct path
This will create a new project same as the old project name, so you can only make one project at a time
Obviously, many things need adjusting in the final output project
hey dude just an update
i was able to change the name within the project file which does in fact create a new version with the new name so you can have multiple projects with different names and if you delete the urc file it fully resets the revision control so its like a new project.