I'm trying to set up music that loops and then ends once the loop is finished, but can't seem to get the blueprint right.

I have 3 music tracks that I’d like to play when the character overlaps with 3 separate box triggers. I can make the player trigger the music for track one when the character overlaps with a box and then end the music when he ends the overlap, but it just cuts off instantly, I’d like it to play until the loop ends and THEN end the track, as this will make it easier to make the music seamless.

If it makes any difference, the music loop lasts exactly 6 seconds at 160BPM.

I’d like to make this a fairly basic setup as its more of a test map than something I will finish.


Hey there,

There’s a blueprint accessible node called ‘OnAudioFinished’ that would suit your needs perfectly.

Called when we finish playing audio, either because it played to completion or because a Stop() call turned it off early

That’s a great help! I’ll try this out tomorrow! Thanks :slight_smile: