I'm trying to load level streaming in another thread

Hi guys, I’m trying to load a stream level not in the main thread.
We have big levels and we want to decrease the loading time for console, so I thought I’d be a good idea to load the rest of levels in a secondary thread.
I’m using a C++ class that inherits from FNonAbandonableTask, but I’m struggling when I type the LoadStreamLevel function because I can’t access to the GetWorld function, I can’t select a WorldContext, so I can’t stream the level… Any help? :frowning:

class AStreamLevelLoaderTask : public FNonAbandonableTask
	AStreamLevelLoaderTask(FName _levelToLoad);
	void DoWork();
	// required by UE4, is required
	FORCEINLINE TStatId GetStatId() const
	FName LevelToLoad;
AStreamLevelLoaderTask::AStreamLevelLoaderTask(FName _levelToLoad)


void AStreamLevelLoaderTask::DoWork()
	// The place where the main action