im trying to create a variable by right clicking a node and nothing happens

It won’t let me upload a video but i try to right click a node and press create variable but nothing happens, like my screen flashes very quickly but the variable isn’t made or anything. i tried to attach a screenshot which hopefully shows what im trying to do but nothing happens when i press create “conversationinfo” This is on Version 4.27.2

What’s the type? This looks like something copy / pasted without any context?

i had used this video off youtube where the guy got me to copy paste the nodes Unreal Engine 4 - The Easiest NPC Dialogue Tutorial EVER (Part 2) - YouTube


Not going to watch a 15 min video before the 2nd cup of coffee; timestamp please?


You copy / pasted a node that has no type in this blueprint. What type of variable are you trying to create?

If this is a struct and you’ve never created such struct in your project, this will not work. Create a struct first. Promotion is only useful when the type is available.