I need to know where to start to learn unreal engine
Hi there! I’m also pretty new to UE5 so I can only describe my thought process as I’ve started learning (specifically for games). Hopefully you might find it helpful. Bear with me because the first couple things are kind of concept…
#1a - Mindset! Go in expecting a challenge because it WILL be challenging! There will be a lot of new concepts being introduced and many will take some time to fully understand.
#1b - Learn how to learn. Yeah, this sounds like some goofy catchphrase but it’s important, especially if you are younger and your experience in learning is based in a school format. Learning on your own is its own skillset.
#1c - Extending from 1b, learn how to search for information and what learning resources you have. Start learning UE-related terminology as soon as possible because it will help you phrase searches and questions better and in turn receive more concise answers.
Okay, concept phase mostly done. Seriously though, getting yourself set up to start learning helps a lot!
#2 - Do the basic UE tutorials! Even if they are about the type of game you have no interest in making. Starting off it’s not about genre but about getting familiar with the basics of how the engine works. The tutorials on the site are free and provide free content kits via the Marketplace. Additionally, so many people have done them at this point that it’s often easy to find answers to questions you might have just with a search.
#3 - Once you done an “official” tutorial or two start poking around at what’s available for stuff more specific to your personal interests and goals. I’m kind of at this point myself. I invested in a paid course for a survival type game since, generally speaking, that covers a lot of the mechanics I would want to include in a project of my own.
#4 - Watch YouTube videos BUT keep in mind that a lot of YTers are hobbyists and may not be implementing best practice in their examples. YTers with videos I’ve found useful are Matt Aspland, Kekdot, Ryan Laley, and CodeLikeMe but there are many others.
#5 - Speaking of best practices, when you are starting off don’t get too hung up on them but also keep in mind that they exist. Also, rarely is one person’s word “law” when it comes to this sort of thing. There are many ways to accomplish something, some better than others.
#6 - Learn how to test/debug your work. Tinker with stuff and break things then try to fix them.
Well, that feels like a lot. tl;dr - Gird yourself and dive into the tutorials. Have fun!
In my opinion, learn C++ first, the concept of class, inheritance, etc. It is very important to know and understand C++ well. Now, those who create Unreal Engine training courses usually also have C Plus Plus learning courses, then start looking for courses that are project oriented, start with the easy courses first. Go to hard courses little by little. When you finish each course, be sure to review them and make a similar game yourself with the information you have learned
no do not learn C++ first
what do you think, in this idealized model of yourself dierwolf20, that you would have done that?
Hello Dx.Hate
every big course you see has coding. And they all say to go see this c++ learning course before starting coding. That’s true You can work unreal engine without coding . But best courses have coding and blueprint. I think if you want to work on big project you should learn how to coding in unreal engine
Now , in your opinion, what should be learned first?
(Sorry about my english writting i’m not very good in english)
Learning computer science can certainly be beneficial when learning Unreal Engine, as it provides a strong foundation in programming concepts and problem-solving skills. Computer science covers topics such as algorithms, data structures, software development methodologies, and computer architecture, which are all relevant to game development.
However, it is not strictly necessary to have a computer science degree or background to learn Unreal Engine. Many successful game developers have learned the engine through self-study or specialized game development programs without a formal computer science education.
I agree with @dierwolf20, Sometimes a CS Degree might be needed for a Job or for Visa. But it’s not necessary for learning Unreal Engine.
I would suggest learning the basics of Computer Science, Basics of Programming. Then start messing around with blueprints. After you’re somewhat confident in your basic programming knowledge, start learning C++. Unreal is best used with both Blueprints and C++ combined.
My reply was to @AMoses85, not you @Dr_Loveless