im Searching for my Question Epic Games Programmers or Freelancer !

Hello everyone, dear Epic Games employees or freelance devs,

I would like to integrate a Transmog system into my game, but unfortunately, I can’t find any instructions or courses on how to do it. Could you possibly help me with this?

Whether it’s in C++ or Blueprint version doesn’t matter to me; I’m willing to adapt.

I would like something similar to what is known in World of Warcraft or more recently, something like what is found in Outriders would be sufficient for me.

I’ve been unable to find any hints or guidance on how to integrate or create something like this from scratch, neither on YouTube nor in the documentation!

I would be delighted to receive a response. :slight_smile:

Best regards!

I doubt a tutorial dedicated to just that exist. But wouldn’t it be a matter of swapping meshes / images around? It’s all smoke & mirrors and purely cosmetic after all.

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well it could be … dont know !

if i find that out , it would be possible to find out also the question how i can change the skin of my pet via slot item :D!

  • create widgets and feed each one data regarding the relevant & fashionable (!) cat apparel of 2023
  • bind dispatchers, have a slot-click dispatch widget data
  • the cat blueprint can listen to those clicks
  • apply the texture to the cat
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i will try it .
and will give you response :smiley: thank you

Dont know so far how to make this but maybe ill find some courses special for widgets !

bloody newbie :smiley:

Hey @Galaxy1989,

While I could not find any transmog system tutorials, you may be able to find what you are looking for in an already existing product on the Marketplace. For example:

Good luck on implementing your system!


Appearance system. Have you ever played WoW and got impressed by the transmog system or the numerous toys that turn your character into other creatures? I have. MMO Kit’s appearance systems will allow you to write logic that will make your characters look any way you want.

What a gem of a find! All is now left to do is cat implementation.


Thank you , yes thinked about that , but i try to find a without paying solution .
Well , ill continue to search.^^