Today, after hundreds of models I calculated and exported, I suddenly had to enter a captcha! WTF???
Captcha was added for security reasons to prevent unwanted and unauthorized misuse. This measure does not limit the existing or future licensing models and the terms of their use.
I understand. It would be really annoying if you had to increase the price for us honest customers because others use the program illegally.
But maybe you can change it to the click-only captcha type? That is more comfortable and (apparently) just as safe.
To my understanding, by implementing Captcha, you are trying to prevent some misuse.
Just to make sure we are the good guys, would you let us know what unwanted and unauthorized misuse are you trying to prevent.
It is slowly becoming an annoyance, and I feel like freemium user exporting ten times or more the same model as I test different settings and having to figure out Captcha every 5th one.
Is this a temporary solution or a permanent punishment to all of us low-end users I wonder.
Thank you very much for your feedback. The Captcha is currently in the test stage for a certain time, then we will try to analyze the findings and also take into consideration the comments and requests of our users. Thank you for understanding.
I am a “victim” too now.
How is the testing going?
Any chance this will be changed soon?
I have no problem with a captcha if it’s easy to read as a human, hard to read for a robot. This captcha however is insanely hard to read. I have great vision and since I’m using this on a small screen, I’m squinting to see the captcha text, and the contrast is so low I had to try 5 times before getting it right. Can you please implement a less vague test? I’m doing a bunch of testing with different lens distortion settings, and after a few model exports, I’ve now had to deal with this a lot.