I'm noob and I want to know how u can approach Camera rotation limitation?

I’m a beginner who’s learning UE4 and its complicated blueprint mechanisms.

I’m using default 3rd person blueprint, and following this video for camera rotation limitation,

I have two cameras in my 3rd person BP, 1. Follow camera with Boom Component, 2.FPSCamera (new camera I created)

I just simply want to limit the rotation of the FPSCamera in the YAW direction, when I’ve switched to it.

I have been wasting 4 days and tried so many tests but still no luck.
If anyone feeling generous or helpful please help me with this. Thanks in advance.

This Video should help you =)

Hopefully, that helps!

that was a good tutorial, but how do I set up for a new camera in the same BP???
not for the follow camera