I’m implementing a battle royale-style inventory, and I want to block actions such as attack and bullet firing that are bound to click the mouse button, and only interact with clicking the widget. Blocking all mouse actions with bool values, such as attacking and firing bullets, doesn’t make sense because you can’t interact with the widget when you click it. Is there no other way?? Setting Focus in Widget has no meaning. The expected result I want is to use the Game And UI mode so that keyboard input handles player actions and mouse input only interacts with widgets. However, when the mouse button is clicked, it cannot interact with the widget. It is possible to interact with the widget’s Button. Is there any way to interact without using a Button? Setting the focus of the inventory widget does not work as expected.
Have you tried to call enable/disable input on player controller?
Thanks for replying Mouse Interface Enable Click Event variable Am I correct?
Thanks for letting me know, I had no idea this variable existed. I will try and reply back.
Not exactly, I’m thinking more on this thing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HguI4RPURYc&ab_channel=MathewWadstein