I'm having trouble loading my save file after opening a level

I’m working on save game system and I want to restore the level on load (or open the one from the save game) The only problem is once I use the open level node the rest of the properties don’t get loaded.
I’m sure that the save game object ref is valid and that all the info is intact it’s just not setting the properties.

I have tried:
using the open level node at the very end
using a delay right after opening the level

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Open level trashes all code that comes after it, because… it was living in the level that just got unloaded :star_struck:

The way to do it, is to set a flag in the save game, then call open level, and the new level then checks that flag ( from the save game ). If it’s set then the level you just opened does the stuff you wanted to do.

Does that make sense?


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