I’m using the FPS template. When I fire point blank range at the ground or at an object directly in front of me the projectile never spawns. This can be replicated by started a new FPS project. I’ve made some tweaks that seems to minimize the effect somewhat. That was setting try different location, always spawn to the transform and also directing the spawn first person projectile to a default controller. You can see my changes here

I’ve also shot a video showing the issue - Twitch
are you sure its not spawning? is it possibly just spawning below your ground mesh.
That is the problem, I went to the edge of the landscape and tested. So I just need to figure out how to move back the point the projectile spawns from a bit?
well the first thing i can think of off hand would be to run a trace from the normal spawn point back towards the actor for anything not meant to be between them and if the trace hits something then set your spawn closer like say near the hit location.
I’m new enough to game design I’m going to have to read through the docs and/or google to figure out how to do that. But my daughter has asked to watch Dr Who, so priorities. Will poke at this tomorrow.
Thank you very much for helping me figure this out.