Hi i just recently started uesing UE4 for like 2 weeks now.
could someone kindly make an video on how to ues your own Animations that you make from Blender to UE4… : )
I also would like to have an video on how to make your character move instead of uesing the default controller of UE4…
ty : ) -bows-
hey guy…
there are tons of youtube videos for blender chars and anims, just import the char in first with no skeleton, ue4 will name it, then import the anim and choose your skeleton in the import screen…
as for the controller, the quick way is to duplicate the third person controller (rename), replace the mannequin with your char, then change the level game mode (level properties maps and modes) to point to your new char blueprint
hmm…i,ll try that thx. One more thing… Do i delete the mesh then import the skeleton?
PS: is there a way to make one instead of duplicate third person controller? there is no way to make your character work? unless
you replace the mannequin? Or are you able to make your own?
All i know is that non the tutorial’s shows how to ues your own animations an your own game controller to move your character…
here are the unreal tutorials…
its how I got started with my characters because I not only wanted to how… but why
its a bit dated but it still works…
the main thing i want to know is that… How do u import an ues your animations that you make in Blender…
i don’t see that in this tutorial i only see that hes using only the UE animations instead… : ( sry for being difficult to help… x(
PS: One last thing i need to know. In Blender do i make all of the Animations in one file then import the model with Animations into UE4?
Exporting all of the animations in one file makes the .fbx pretty huge, can’t really recommend it. It’s better to have one file for each animation. You will need to export the rig and mesh if you’ve got morph target animation, otherwise you can export only the rig assuming you’ve got your character in UE4 already.
lol, no problem…
its really easy, I assume your model is done and your units are set to **‘metric, 0.01’ **in the scene settings…
select the armature and mesh and ‘export .FBX’
1- in the main export screen check ‘selected items’ and highlight **‘armature and mesh’
**2- in the geometries tab for smoothing pick 'Face’
3- in the armature tab **‘UN check’ ‘add leaf bones’
**and export
drag your fbx into the folder you want it in and the import screen will pop up…
1- leave the skeleton dropdown 'empty’
2- check ‘import animations’ (I suggest just having a T-Pose animation in your model)
3- in the advanced little arrow under ‘skeleton’ check
1- use TOA
2- preserve smoothing
3- import meshes in bone hierarchy
4- import morph targets
5- and on normal import method pick **‘import normals’
**UE4 will do the rest
as for the animations I suggest bringing them in one at a time
do as before but don’t export the mesh… just the armature
when the import screen pops up, on the skeleton dropdown pick ‘your skeleton’ and import
ps add… oh, just in case its not checked by default, when you bring in your main model make sure **‘create physics asset’ **is checked, but I think that’s a default
psssss add… just in case, you did name your main armature bone ‘root’… yes?
I,ll try this thanks :3 :thumbs up:
PS: last thing i need know is how do you pack all of the animations in one file in UE4?
It looks like that the person that made this default character packed every animation in it :3 ?
see on the right there under animation where it says ‘use animation blueprint’ and they picked ‘thirdPerson_animBP_C’… you have to make one of those and replace it with yours…
remember that first link I gave you, what you want to search for is the ‘Blendspace’ and ’ **Animation Blueprint **’ also called a ‘state machine’…
now, the blendspace looks different now, but it essentially works the same way, drag and drop your animations on the crossbars and they will stick… you want the regular blendspace for now, not the 2D blendspace… you can build that later if you need to… all my stuff is still in 1D…
ps… to move the green thing in blendspace to test the speeds, use the ‘shift’ right button
ohhhhhhhh ok i see. ty :D…