I'm getting a strange crash with a pop-up telling me I'm calling a Pure Function

Hi, I’ve been getting an intermittent crash when using the engine. It only seems to happen when I exit out of a PIE session.
I get a pop-up like this one:

I have tried to narrow down the class which is causing this error and it seems to be my custom UGameViewportClient class I’ve derived. When I don’t use this class, I no longer get the problem.

I’m have looked through the source code and noticed that the UGameViewportClient class multi-inherits from an FExec class with one PURE_VIRTUAL function inside as seen here;

#pragma once
#include "CoreTypes.h"
#include "Misc/AssertionMacros.h"
// Any object that is capable of taking commands.
class CORE_API FExec
	virtual ~FExec();
	* Exec handler
	* @param	InWorld	World context
	* @param	Cmd		Command to parse
	* @param	Ar		Output device to log to
	* @return	true if command was handled, false otherwise
	virtual bool Exec( class UWorld* InWorld, const TCHAR* Cmd, FOutputDevice& Ar ) PURE_VIRTUAL(FExec::Exec,return false;)

I’m not sure what I’m supposed to do with that though, or if that’s even the problem.

Here’s a copy of my custom GameViewportClient class too which I have made which seems to contain the problem.

#include "PROJECT_NEUTRON/Viewport/PN_GameViewportClient.h"

#include "UnrealClient.h"

#include "PROJECT_NEUTRON/Camera/PN_PrimaryViewTarget.h"

#include "PROJECT_NEUTRON/Subsystem/PN_TouchInputSubsystem.h"

void UPN_GameViewportClient::Init(struct FWorldContext& WorldContext, UGameInstance* OwningGameInstance, bool bCreateNewAudioDevice)

    Super::Init(WorldContext, OwningGameInstance);

bool UPN_GameViewportClient::InputTouch(FViewport* InViewport, int32 ControllerId, uint32 Handle, ETouchType::Type Type, const FVector2D& TouchLocation, float Force, FDateTime DeviceTimestamp, uint32 TouchpadIndex)


    Super::InputTouch(InViewport, ControllerId, Handle, Type, TouchLocation, Force, DeviceTimestamp, TouchpadIndex);

    switch (Type)


    case ETouchType::Began:

        TouchInputLocationBegin = TouchLocation;


    case ETouchType::Ended:

        TouchInputLocationEnd = TouchLocation;



    return 0;


Any help would be appreciated, thanks!

It seems like you tracked it down pretty well. You probably just need to override that virtual function, even if it means doing nothing except returning false.

If you’re still getting the error you should be able to run with your debugger attached so that you can see the exact function it’s trying to call that you need to override.