I'm completely new and I'm already about to crash out, please help.


I’m trying to follow a guide on youtube and there’s a part where he made something like “Set Color and Opacity” (Based on the picture) With multiple options of Specified Color R, G B & A. But when I tried to do the same thing there’s no options for that, its empty as you can see on the picture. I tried double clicking it, clicking everything on right button options but still can’t figure it out.

Right click on the ‘color and opacity’ pin and choose ‘split pin’ :slight_smile:

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Are you talking about the menu in the middle?

Initially, the node has a pin with the SlateColor type, if you make a Split Struct Pin, it will turn into a LinearColor. You can left-click on the square to open the color settings.
If you make a Split Struct Pin on a LinearColor again, the component float pins will appear.

To return to the original pin, select Recombine Struct Pin in the context menu.

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Thankyou so much! I couldn’t figure it out at first, I didn’t know that I had to split it two times :sweat_smile:

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Thankyou so much! I had zero idea that I can split it two times to get the components

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