Illegal (stolen) asset in the monthly free selection

I still have it in my vaultcache folder because I downloaded it a month ago, but I can confirm it’s not present in my library if I look for it on another PC.
By the way it’s not a plugin, so nothing will be corrupted even if they remove it from the vaultcache, asset packs are always copied inside a project, they are not read from a common location.

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So another illegal asset was sold on the marketplace, and this time a developer got in trouble for it.

Seems like we can’t trust any (animation) assets on the marketplace anymore, that weren’t clearly created by the seller themselve … which is impossible to know.
So each time we buy some asset on the marketplace, we take a gamble to get into legal trouble…


yeah, thanks to the lack of moderation for years, the marketplace has been filled with content that may contain stolen content…

and it got worse when Epic started to release monthly free content, since it made it easier for more games to have said content, in which gets more attention. now i don’t have a problem with the monthly free content, it’s just that Epic needs to further verify the content if it wants to be part of the freebies for the month.

animations, sound/music, Niagara effects (like magic and spells) are all on the “take with risk” list IMO.

now there’s an influx of AI generated 2D assets, no one is safe without proper moderation.

It’s even worse. There is a moderation process when one wants to sell something on the marketplace, but essentially they only check the quantity of the assets and not the quality. Some of these quantity rules are strange and frustrating (for example you need 25 unique hand made animations, but only 10 mocap or you need 99 sounds). This makes life of honest sellers pretty difficult and favorize instead those who steal assets.


This is a bizarre regulation if true. I’d much rather pay an artist $50 for 10 high-quality, well-done animations alone than to have that artist required to essential “pad” their asset pack with other stuff to meet the minimum number.

In fact that probably is another big driver behind why stolen assets appear on the marketplace, if their own limited set of stuff is turned down by an arbitrary requirement for asset count that they can bypass by including a few non-original/stolen bits.


I know this because a few months ago we got an animation pack with 20 hand-made animations refused because of “not enough content”. I’ve verified if now it’s still the case and it is. Here the seller guideline page with all content requirements: Minimum Content and Requirements (


It’s especially nonsensical because they don’t even always make sure these rules are upheld.

The best example are blueprint assets and these two rules:

Thorough documentation must be included in at least one of the following formats and should provide all expected information on setup and usage:

Blueprints are clean and not purposefully confusing.

Yet a lot if not most blueprint assets on the marketplace do NOT have a “thorough” documentation, often they don’t have any documentation at all.
And so many blueprint assets, including newer ones, often have complete spaghetti code.

I doubt the marketplace “team” (I’m still convinced it’s only one intern doing the job) actually checks all the assets completely.


I tend to agree with this. Blueprints tend to be very messy.

It doesn’t help that the example content isn’t always offering the best presentation. For example, 90% Megascans assets created before UE5 contain master materials with disconnected displacement nodes for tessellation effects.

It would be ideal if Epic went through these assets and created UE4 versions with tessellation, and UE5-ready versions with POM as an alternative rather than just leaving these materials with a bunch of loose nodes.

I think sellers see these examples and figure they don’t need to put too much care into presentation. They’d be right too since these assets get posted.


what trouble? He has gained free exposure and publicity :joy:

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what trouble? He has gained free exposure and publicity :joy:

What in interesting and insightful way to describe being accused of theft.

“ There’s one thing worse than people talking about you, and that’s people not talking about you" Oscar Wilde

“It is a good thing for an uneducated man to read books of quotations.” ~ Winston Churchill

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Using that quote as quote seems like a dangerous paradox :joy:

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Update: Orca Games’ stolen (mixamo) animation asset pack is gone! It’s no longer available in my vault!

Edit: nvm. It’s back. Epic probably had a server issue that made certain content unavailable (not the first time that happened)

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Do you know what happened to Frank animation packs?
I think they were among the most popular animation packs on the store and now the seller profile is empty! (I’m asking because we are using them in a project and we don’t want copyright issues, and we were also wondering if we are eligible for a refund)

I don’t know about this pack in particular, but a whole group of sellers has at the moment their profile and their products completely erased from the marketplace because of a technical issue on Epic side.
All of my content is missing.(Marketplace seller) - Community / Marketplace - Epic Developer Community Forums (
All my contents are gone from the marketplace… - Marketplace / Creators Hub - Epic Developer Community Forums (
There is a big probability that also this seller is affected. As far as I know, Epic is fixing the problem reinstating the concerned sellers accounts, but has not yet finished. I would wait a few more days and then, if the product and the seller don’t reappear in the marketplace, I would ask Epic.

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Are there any copyright issues with that asset? ’ Pack’
If so, what do you think it is?

Thank you for your purchase,

I am .

I made all the motions by myself,
There are almost all videos of the motion production process.
I have been recording all production processes since 2015 in case there is a copyright problem, and it is about 4TB.

Besides, I often share the production process with my subscribers.
I also share ideas about motion.

It is not a problem yet if my assets are recycled and sold without consent. Subscribers have already contacted me if they know the motion I made and are using it somewhere without permission.

please provide proof of where you are concerned about copyright issues.



The reason for the disappearance of the asset can be
found in the thread below. still not repaired

And, I don’t think this deletion of Asset is related to that problem.
Please let me know if it has anything to do with copyright.

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I was absolutely not accusing you of any copyright violation, I was just worried because they were gone from the store!
I really appreciate your packs (and that’s why we bought them), my friend has already contacted you privately and you have already replied to him (he sent the email at the same time I made this post, and we both weren’t aware of the issue with the marketplace)

We hope to have you back soon!

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