Illegal call to StaticFindObject() while collecting garbage!

I’m trying to migrate to 4.14 from 4.13. After I build the 4.14 engine from source code successfully I try to open my project. This prompts me to “open a copy”. It converts the project and then during the opening of the engine it puts up an Error, the first error is " the game module [Game Name] could not be loaded, there may be a operating system". Then following that error is another error “Illegal call to StaticFindObject() while collecting garbage!”. I have no idea where to begin with this error.

Also when it crashes it brings up the UObjectGlobals.cpp line 230

if (IsGarbageCollectingOnGameThread())
		UE_LOG(LogUObjectGlobals, Fatal,TEXT("Illegal call to StaticFindObject() while collecting garbage!"));