I’ve been looking through these example files in the 4.8 Preview 3 and I’m not seeing the issues that you are. If you have your own example files (and not ones from other users), I may be able to help you through your issue.
Are you actively experiencing this problem yourself or reporting it for the other forum users? Just checking.
Thanks… Mr. . I will try this to new UE4 4.8 Preview 3 Thanks. This is same blueprint from youtube and its also same problem from another code (and ones from other users). Because i tried my character become AAA, before i will proceed to buy some Material or Design from UE4 Marketplace.
I was having trouble getting any of Puede’s example projects to reproduce this issue. Would you be willing to send me your project so that I can see this on my end? We still have not determined if this is a bug or a setup issue.
You can upload to google drive, dropbox, etc and PM me the link.
Sorry i can’t do to send my sample code or project because i’am on vacation. After this vacation i will send you my projects, after next month July 10,2015.