The tutorial is very light on context - although I did eventually work out what to do in most cases. It doesn’t discuss at all what to do with “Joint Target Left” or “Joint Target Right” however - where are these set? It also doesn’t discuss how to get the correct socket. I’m happy to provide more feedback into what parts are confusing if interested.
It is less of a tutorial and more just documentation of the overview of IK setup. It is to be used in conjunction with the Content Example it shows.
With that said, I do see that we are lacking a bit in information pertaining to setting up IK rigs in the editor. Our documentation team has been made aware and will be looking into it further.
Ah, that makes sense. It might help to indicate which content example the tutorial is for. I’ll fire it up tonight and see if that resolves the gaps in my understanding. Thanks!
I did recently and managed to get it working somehow, there were some bone label fields that the content examples filled in but they weren’t even mentioned in the tutorials. There is still no explanation of the ‘Two Bone IK’ node inputs.