it is clearly an interpolation, the closer the foot gets to the target - the slower it moves further.
the whole movement takes around 2 seconds to complete, i would like it to be almost instant (0.3 sec or so).
the alpha node in Two Bones IK is set to 1.0 (maximum). what am i missing?
The solution have nothing to do with the engine settings, rather it is alternating the IK setup.
Make sure your Lerp node takes input of initial starting point each time, rather than “current foot position”, or alternatively play with that lerp inputs math to adjust it’s curve
I never really got this working like I wanted, but being a little wiser now I think this may have something to do with tick groups. You want your trace/ik to occur after your character tick but before rendering, anything else will cause latency
Figured that it’s not IK problem. The whole anim instance thing are actually ticking slow. Or rather it’s VR motion controllers updates faster with “Low Latency Update” turned on. So everything that’s directly attached to them moves faster than IK bones are updating. I turned the thing off and everything now in sync, tough now everything just equally laggy. But I guess I can live with it for now.
Also for a sword fighting game, it can be a good Idea to drive tips of the swords with controllers with “Low Latency Update”, while handles would move by IK. So tips of the swords would be very responsive, and handles would’t fly out off hands.