IK Setups, I need help, and the guides have me lost.

I’ve been trying to build an IK setup for my character (foot offset, you know) and I’ve watched videos and read the guide and looked at the content examples, and STILL haven’t got it working due to missing pieces.

This node set-up right here:


Where IS this node “Cast to IKAnimatedPawn” I can’t find it anywhere. I even just tried to copy and paste it into my file directly, and it turns into a “bad cast node” instead.
The only video tutorial I saw managed to cutout right when the guy was going to explain that node, he didn’t go back an clear it up when he turned the recorder back on.

This is driving me crazy!

Please someone detail how to do this.


So with IK being a blue print, you have got your VAR plugged in to you cast has been referenced earlier, correct?

Also, which video and at what point does he stop explaining this node?

Correct, yes I do.

Oh here is the video:


Looking at what he has done and looking at yours, other that you character is named something different.

Looks fine.

You put this in earlier.

Where IS this node “Cast to IKAnimatedPawn” I can’t find it anywhere.

you have got is you picture

Can you please refine you questions, as far as I can see, you have cast to to. What is the issue, does the cast fail. is there an error log after playing?

You want to cast to the blueprint class where you did the previous setup. Cast to X (X being the name of your blueprint)

I didn’t notice that was suppose to be the name of the character blueprint (grrr) well that part of the problem is solved, I went through and found a LOT of misnamed area’s, that little observation has really helped out :slight_smile: Thanks both of you.

Now that’s out of the way, I’ve discovered another issue: The knees of my character are all bent inward, and the feet still don’t adjust to uneven floors. But at least I’m finally seeing ‘something’ happen now :slight_smile: