Hi, I have recently encountered an issue which still persists in 5.4 while retargeting using IK Rig and IK Retargeter is that the preview does not match the offline (right click and retarget anim sequences) mode, but the online mode (Retarget Pose From Mesh animbp node) match the retargeter editor perfectly.
Is this the intended behaviour or is this a bug unresolved? I have attached an image showing this issue:
BLUE is the result of the animation retargeted using the same retargeter as the RED (which is running a single Retarget Pose From Mesh node).
GREEN is the source mesh and animation.
The hands have IK goals, as the picture show, the RED matches the GREEN quite well just like in the editor preview.
Explanations for this weird behaviour is much appreciated! Because this is a roadblock for actually producing correctly matching retargeted animations as in the preview.