IK Retargeter could not find source and target root bone?

I’m trying to retarget a mesh, and I get the error as per the title. I have previously made a retargeter with the exact same rig and it worked fine. I cannot figure out what I’m missing, as both meshes very clearly have root bones, and a chain map to them. (Please ignore the fact that it is a minion mesh)



bumping because I have the same issue

Retarget Animations in Unreal Engine 5.2 (Tutorial) - YouTube for anyone wondering, it goes through the process step by step

Thats the video I was watching when I ran into this issue and couldn’t right click cuz everything is greyed out with this error lol.

open the Blueprint IKRig click in pelvis after click on right mouse button and select
“Set Retarget Root” save and open the Blueprint “IK Retarget” again then resolved :slightly_smiling_face:


Bro u save my day !

It didn’t fix it for me. But this did.


Fixed the problem for me also yay :laughing:. (5.3.2) Appreciate it @Wertandrew

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