Hello! Someone knows why all free tutorials didn’t work? I tried all possibles ways to do it works but nothing. One foots doesn’t stay on the rung below, just in the air. Wtf.
- Unreal Forums:
- Youtube channels:
Hello! Someone knows why all free tutorials didn’t work? I tried all possibles ways to do it works but nothing. One foots doesn’t stay on the rung below, just in the air. Wtf.
Post a screenshot of your IK setup so we can see/help you what is wrong
Don’t need. Try to follow these tutorials and see what happen. Nothing! haha =/
Hi Tulk,
I was able to get IK contact detection working. Could you please post a screenshot showing the issue? Unfortunately, it will be hard to assist you without a clear explanation of what your problem is and a screenshot is great for communicating that.
Yes. Can do this tonight. But for now, I’m using a character with scale. Does have some different?
Are you using 4.13 version?
@anonymous_user_fb796d6c: The Unreal Forums working with some issues, the youtube channels doesn’t work… =/… I not using BSP Volumes, but meshes from Epic Games free content, like Infinity Package. Custom stairs didn’t work. Its Collision?
From the screen shot it looks like either the collision isn’t very accurate on the stairs or you aren’t setting the correct location for the socket based off the ray trace.
Open that static mesh and look at the collision, you can also try per poly collision (use complex as simple).
I’ll try the first one. I’m already using complex as simple. =)
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