I’ve been stuck on this for some time, but I have a character setup and when I use Add Movement Input it doesn’t move the character at all.
I now isolated the problem and found out that if I create a new game mode but not put any code in the blueprint and then set the default pawn to my chararacter, the add movement input will work. But If I create my own GameMode and manually spawn the character actor and then possess it that add movement input won’t work. (see screenshot 2).
Screenshot 1 shows my chararcters code’(Yes the key bindings behind moveforward are defined and have set the scale correctly).
SCreenshot 2 shows how I am manually spawning it and possesing it.
So, if I create a new game mode and use default behaviour (Don’t override onPostLogin or set player character events) and set the default pawn to the character, the character will spawn and I wil be able to control.
if I use a gamemode that has the code you see in my screenshot, the character won’t respond to movement inputs.