I am planning on selling various landscapes i created recently. These will be one-time purchase only which means when someone buys a landscape it will be only for him. No one else can buy it again. This is the first landscape am putting up for sale. Am aiming for $50. What do you guys think?
Pack will contain:
Two color maps
Flow Map
Wear Map
Depo Map
Heightmap (4096x4096 in PNG format)
Heightmap in R16 format (4096 and 4033)
Heightmap in RAW format (4096 and 4033)
Landscape in UE4. Took with one Directional Light (Movable) + Light Propagation Volume.
That means I wouldn’t even consider buying it.
Why, because ready to go landscape is not useful, for anything expect being sometimes pretty to look at.
What I would be interested is buying material steups for landscape, which can be used for hand painting. Something lke material for racing game sample. But with higher variety.
Honestly as well. A larger pack would be more useful but this can be done in World Machine (100 US) very quickly. For those without time or mapping software then a pack would be worth the cost.
Individual landscapes don’t really serve an awful lot of use for the majority of people, and there are plenty of tools which are available cheaply and easily to generate very similar results. Ultimately, I wouldn’t be willing to pay very much at all - likely less than $10.
If you took the time to set up a decent material I could see some people buying it, but just landscapes generated in WM without anything else isn’t worth paying for really, anyone can set it up and without proper materials it’s pretty useless.
Yes, is right. The Marketplace would be the place where people sold materials and textures, rather than huge things built out of them. A landscape isn’t that useful, when it has been put together without any thought as to how it will be used. Essentially, you are making level design decisions for the prospective buyer, without knowing anything about the game they are making.
Good luck in future, though. It’s in all our best interests that the Marketplace gets filled with lots of good stuff.
Thank you very much guys. I will try to make some decent materials + these landscapes for sale. This is the first time am trying to sell something to the UE4 Community so am a little confused. But i really appreciate your suggestions.
the problem with such a pre-made landscape is that it offers little to no customizability. the more you attempt to change the topology of the ground, the less the color/flow/wear/depo maps will match them
a workaround would be providing the source assets so that people can modify them directly in WM and re-export. then again owners of WM would probably just do it themselves.
a different solution would be to work on a good procedural material so that whatever the user does with the landscape via the in-engine tools, the textures will still match the topology accordingly. a good procedural or semi-procedural material would also add MUCH more value to it, I think people might just buy it for the material itself
for the record I wouldn’t buy it either. I own WM since v1.0 so I’d do the terrain myself, and making a procedural material is a challenge I want to face
We can command pizzas terrain to someone using world machine pizza tool, generally people pay for assets with hours of work behind not for generated content pushing some buttons.
Ahhhh PIZZA, Now your making me hungry . Well as i show in the video above that’s exactly what buyers will get from me (4-5 months of hours) and video tutorials from start to finish for creating custom designs and edits, I can tell you my terrains are not created by just pressing a make me a terrain button but hand designed each taking a couple days to finalise setup then 5-6 just to create the base maps. Also sorry to creator of the thread, id say keep working on your methods and quality, and sorry for officaly hijacking your thread to make a point.
that’s something. customizable, yes, but it doesn’t look friendly to edit really. if you want a mountain somewhere instead of the flat grass area again the flow/depo/etc maps won’t match.