if (role == ROLE_Authority)

void AThirdPersonMPCharacter::OnHealthUpdate()
    //Client-specific functionality
    if (IsLocallyControlled())
        FString healthMessage = FString::Printf(TEXT("You now have %f health remaining."), CurrentHealth);
        GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 5.f, FColor::Blue, healthMessage);

        if (CurrentHealth <= 0)
            FString deathMessage = FString::Printf(TEXT("You have been killed."));
            GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 5.f, FColor::Red, deathMessage);

    //Server-specific functionality
    if (roll == ROLE_Authority)
        FString healthMessage = FString::Printf(TEXT("%s now has %f health remaining."), *GetFName().ToString(), CurrentHealth);
        GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 5.f, FColor::Blue, healthMessage);

    //Functions that occur on all machines. 
        Any special functionality that should occur as a result of damage or death should be placed here. 

void AThirdPersonMPCharacter::OnRep_CurrentHealth()

void AThirdPersonMPCharacter::SetCurrentHealth(float healthValue)
    if (role == ROLE_Authority)
        CurrentHealth = FMath::Clamp(healthValue, 0.f, MaxHealth);

float AThirdPersonMPCharacter::TakeDamage(float DamageTaken, struct FDamageEvent const& DamageEvent, AController* EventInstigator, AActor* DamageCauser)
    float damageApplied = CurrentHealth - DamageTaken;
    return damageApplied;

I’m working through Multiplayer Programming Quick Start | Unreal Engine Documentation.

once I get to 4. Creating a Projectile with Replication

I can only compile the previous steps If I change the code from the above to the below. Compile Errors say I haven’t declared role in each of the "if (role == ROLE_Authority) lines.

    //Client-specific functionality
    if (IsLocallyControlled())

    //Server-specific functionality
    if (ROLE_Authority)

I’m still learning and after spending all night using documentation, forums, google… im still confused. any help would be appreciated.


C++ is a case-sensitive language. “Role” is the actual property you want to compare - however it has been made private as of 4.24 I believe, so you need to call GetLocalRole() now instead.

Thank you.

I’m having some troubles implementing GetLocalRole() into the existing code…

I ended up finding VVV the code below referenced in another post as an alternative.

if (HasAuthority())

but now im curious as what I’m doing wrong with GetLocalRole()

i tried declaring syntax and using it in the cpp, but its just throwing all sorts of errors…

I’m a bit out of my element, but i am convinced that I need to get a better basic picture of networking in action. Thanks again and again all help is appreciated !!

Same problem here, did your figured out difference of
“if (HasAuthority()” and use of “GetLocalRole()”?
Would be nice when Epic update the tutorial: https://docs.unrealengine.com/en-US/…art/index.html

@all: Or someone else has an advice?

Internally HasAuthority() just calls GetLocalRole() == ROLE_Authority, so it’s essentially the same thing.

Thanks a lot, I thought already its the same, but now we could be sure. Great-