If I wanted a map that was 20km X 20km What would I set the scale for X & Y To?

If I wanted a map that is 20km x 20km, What would I set the scale of X & Y to?

Single landscape face is 100 unreal units = 1 meter. Depending on number of components you need to apply different scale. For 8129x8129 (vertices) you need to apply 20000 [m] / 8129 [m] = 2.46 scale for X and Y.

Im not sure what you mean by apply 20000 [M] / 8129 [M] = 2.46 scale for X and Y

So my map Would be 20,000 By 20,000 That is 20km by 20km Right?

Actually It would be 2,000,000 x 2,000,000 But you cant even sculpt a terrain of that size how would I go about making a terrain that is 2,000,000 x 2,000,000

  1. Apply 2.46 multiplier in scale properties of landscape. It means if you have default = 100 use 246.
  2. If you want bigger landscape without losing details when scaling consider World composition: