You cant migrate the physx vehicle class to 5.3 it has been phased out and replaced with chaos vehicle.
where it is?
how to replace it can you explain it?
Chaos vehicle is in the plugins.
Physx vehicle is gone.
yes ,i already chaos vehicle plugin in 5.3 but same issue occuring.
If you have base classes in c++ then try running the project from your ide.
If the missing base class is physics vehicle then you need to reparent the class
there is no missing physics base class it is showing.
this BP_tractor is parent class is none.
You can reparent it from within the blueprint inside the class settings or through
File >> Reparent Blueprint
yes, when I was in 4.27 it was parent class wheel_vehicle in BP_tractor and 5.3 gave me wheel_vehicle_pawn in BP_Tractor which is mentioned in documentation which is not here and not compile.
yes, but there is require create new blueprint class but i did not create new blueprint class.
My project is lot of function so there is issue when i create the new blueprint class can i suggested without new blue print class.