If i get assets from the marketplace, can i create a game with them and then sell my game without having any problems ?

So lets say i use some of the “free of the month” assets in my game im creating, would there be any legal issues to sell my game with them in it ? Just want to go sure if i can do that without having some trouble with copyright or something.

Hey there @catz111! Any asset bought or retrieved “Free of the month” from the marketplace is 100% able to be used in commercial projects. They all have to be under the same marketplace licensing to be sold on the marketplace.

However this does come with one caveat, you cannot redistribute their code or assets to anyone but the people on your team, and you cannot sell the code or assets as a product. This is to prevent people from buying say a code plugin, modifying it slightly and then trying to sell it elsewhere or back on the marketplace.

For more info:


I am aiming to use some of the assets to help me create my first game and then i want to be able to sell my game. I’m not interested to sell anything on the marketplace or modify any of the assets and resell them in any form. My focus and main goal is just to use the assets so i am able to create/finish my game with them in it, so i can save some time by not doing absolut everything from scratch myself. And i don’t even posses the proper knowledge atm to master every single thing needed to complete a full game by myself alone. So If i understand this correctly, it will be not a problem to sell my game as it is including with some assets in it from the marketplace, right ?

You got it! The marketplace license makes sure you never have any issue using anything you buy from it in a commercial project.

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Thank you for confirming this, so now i can just focus on the hard work. :wave:

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