If I develop an app for a customer that is to be used in another product sold by that customer, does that customer also have to pay license fees to Epic Games?

Hey everyone,

I have a specific, but very important question.
If I develop an app for a customer that is to be used in another product sold by that customer, does that customer also have to pay license fees to Epic Games or just me?
The customer wouldn’t develop in UE4.

Thanks in advance.

Generally, any party that is selling a UE4 game needs to have a license with Epic. Otherwise, that would be a pretty major loophole :slight_smile: There are exceptions for distributors and publishers of a licensee.

Thanks for your answer.
In this case it’s not the main part of the product. To be more specific we are only using UE4 to render some objects and make small interactions inside another program. The software should only run on a specific machine which is the main product.

The EULA does not distinguish between the amount of engine code used:

“Product” means any product developed
under this Agreement that is made
using the Licensed Technology or that
combines the Licensed Technology with
any other software or content,
regardless of how much or little of
the Licensed Technology is used.

(The Studio EULA has a very similar definition.)

Based on you description, it sounds like your sale to the customer would be royalty-free under the work-for-hire exception.