If i could get a simple example.. Scrollbox+Button populating

I populate buttons in scroll box. A left and right button. I want each button populated to do a different functionality. Ive added an int value to the buttons to change, however doing this would just make a static value and each button would start at the last int assigned. So i guess my question is… is there a means to contact the populated button and say hey this button i want to change the weapon and this second button populated to change the armor. These 2 items would be in an Array.

One thing ive learned in doing this … most of the time when i cant figure something out its beyond simple to do … any help would rock

Sadly, it’s pretty unclear what needs doing. Sounds a bit like this:

But then again, not sure how to wrap my mind around it. Any chances you can rephrase it? Put it in a bunch of bullet points, see if that helps. As in:

  • player presses next armor button → a scroll box with armors scrolls to the next item in the armor list
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