Hey there everyone who is viewing this post! (and all those who aren’t)
I just finished creating a character in Blender with Run, Walk, and Idle animations.
I imported this character into Unreal, and all the animations are working great!
I watched a few tutorials on how to plugin walk and idle states, but I am completely clueless
on how to make the character walk but then run when the shift key is pressed.
I know that it should have something to do with a state machine, and i also know how i should plug
the animations into the state machine.
the only problem is that i am very unfamiliar with node based scripting, so it is confusing to me when
programing the circumstances that the walk and run variables should be set to at certain times. if anyone knows of a good tutorial, or wants to post a few pics, that woud be awesome!
if im understanding correctly your trying to limit the characters movement speed to a walk most of the time but when the shift key is pressed then they begin running, kinda like a sprint.
below is how you would make a simple setup to limit the movement speed. i made an example of both hold to run and toggle run. after you have a similar setup you can make a simple blendspace like the thirdperson template has and have your animations based on the characters speed. ill link to a tutorial that shows how to make the blend space below. the basic idea is that for a speed of 300 the blendspcae will be set to the walk anim, at 600 it will use the run, and in between it will combine the two for a even transition.
edit: note that you will need to change the default max walk speed in the movement component which i think is initially set to 600. also when using the keyboard the character will always walk at max speed hence why we are limiting it and setting the max to higher for the run.