After Launching Epic Games Launcher 3.0.3-3465408, the cpu usage remains ~60% until it is closed. This began with a recent update.This high cpu usage occurs when nothing is downloading.
This is not the best answer, but at least for me if I minimize the launcher the CPU goes down. This was REALLY bad a few versions ago, looks like its back.
Hi teak, that absolutely works! If I minimize the launcher, its cpu usage drops to a minimal amount. As you imply, this doesn’t fix the direct issue, but it definitely helps.Thanks!
copy to answered… pls mark it…search engine results better and I get a few karma points…
This is not the best answer, but at least for me if I minimize the launcher the CPU goes down. This was REALLY bad a few versions ago, looks like its back.
Hi teak, this is a bug report for the Epic Game Launcher using too many cpu cycles. You have discovered that the bug does not present itself when the application is minimized, which is interesting, but not a solution. The bug still exists and the issue is not resolved.
The Epic Games Launcher still uses an unacceptably high amount of cpu usage if the application is not minimized: while it is open and idle or being actively used.
Agreed. I am sure they are aware of this issue.
fixed in version 3.1.0 released 6/9/2017