Some advice on this subject would be appreciated;
TLDR; Character Idle Animation always faces right, and not facing the last direction the character (player) was traveling in, so if we was traveling right it will idle right, but if we as traveling left and stopped it would idle right and not idle left in which the character was traveling.
Long Version;
Initially I started out with a Side Scroller, which gave me a lot of the Character movement I needed except for crouch I tried my best to get this functionality to work but I couldn’t figure out why things wasn’t working, so I decided to use an animation (Ue4ASP_Character: from the animation starter pack) that did have crouch all be it not jumping quite as well as the Side Scroller starter pack character did or even walk or run like I wanted, so I replaced the animations with the ones that came with the Side Scroller, I spend to a good while after that trying to workout why my character wouldn’t rotate to and face the way I was traveling instead preferring to moon walk his way backwards, after yelling at him that Michael Jackson had past on and what he was doing was border line copyright infringement, found that the problem was in fact because the player start wasn’t rotated in the right direction or at least that is what I assume because that seemed to fix it, course it could be marinade of other buttons and what not I was fiddling with too, which leaves me with several problems to figure out and I’m all out of ideas.
Character Idle Animation always faces right, and not facing the last direction the character (player) was traveling in, so if we was traveling right it will idle right, but if we as traveling left and stopped it would idle right and not idle left in which the character was traveling.
Crouch walks along it’s supposed to stop movement until the player presses another direction
If anyone can help me I would be grateful, thanks in advance.