Idle Animation in Advanced Locomotion System

I have been using Advanced Locomotion Systems on my own character and it works well. I have been trying to switch the Idle animation but cannot find where it is. I tried using Ctrl+F to find the animation but cannot find where they implemented the logic. Does anyone know where the idle animation is.

Hey @killazill! Welcome to the Forums!

Are you using the standard UE5 third person character (Manny or Quinn)? If so you can find Idle inside of the Locomotion state machine.

I hope the above is the solution you need!

Thanks for the quick reply @Quetzalcodename,

No, I am using Meta Humans and the Advanced Locomotion System.

@killazill Did you find a solution? I’m struggling with the same. The character does very nervously stomping with one foot when idle. Looks stupid and is in my stealth game not really recommended :slight_smile: My best guess is that the “ALS_N_Stop_L_Down” animation is used, but strangely plays much quicker than in preview. But following the reference viewer I can still not figure out where this is used and how to change it. A last resort would be to edit the animation and check if the idle animation does change. Besides, there’s also ALS_N_Stop_R_Down and ALS_N_Transition_L & R that do the foot thing.

Yup I did.

  1. You have to go to the ALS animation blueprint
  2. Then click ctrl+f
  3. In the find results box that appears type “idle”
  4. Then keep scrolling until you find a comment called “Idle/Movement Poses”. It will be under the “default (state)” section
  5. Replace the default animations in the blend with the ones you want.
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@killazill Thanks! Found it. That way I figured out I have another issue. The idle animation is never played. When not walking, the character is always stuck in a loop of the “ALS_N_Transition_L” animation and is therfore always whipping with the left foot. Did you encounter the same issue? When checking the references for this anim, it’s used for basically every transition. But I would expect it to go to idle after this - but it doesn’t. Whatever anim I’m assigning to the idle state, nothing changes. If I edit the transition animation, the foot bug stopps. But this of course breaks every other transition.

Signed in just to up-vote you!